Welcome to 4 Life International…


Service times: Sundays at 10:30am, Wednesdays at 7pm

Our vision is to…


We believe in expanding the Kingdom at 4 Life through evangelism.

Whether it’s new salvations or prodigals coming home, we believe in going beyond the four walls to expand the Kingdom. We are also focused on developing authentic relationships that are intimate and transparent, kingdom focused, prophetic and powerful. 


We believe everyone deserves a second chance.

To be effective, we need to be healed and restored from our past. So as we have been transformed by the power, grace and love of Christ, we are to minister that same power to others so that they become strong, and flourish as believers in the Kingdom, planted in the house of God.


we believe in making an impact everywhere we go.

We believe in raising up strong and effective believers, accountable to their leadership, having a heart to serve in ministry. Jesus spoke the Great Commission to us all and at 4 Life, we take that to heart by sharing the love of Christ wherever we go.




If you work the Word, the Word will work for you!

— Apostle Rudy Sanchez


We have a Youtube channel!

We understand that you may not be able to come to every service or event. If you can’t join us in person, SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel and be a part of our online community. This way you won’t miss anything!

We’re also on Facebook (@4LifeIntl) and Instagram (@4lifeinternational).

If this church has been a blessing to you, subscribe today and remember to share the broadcasts!!